Blokmy uses price improvement to match orders. This often results in a higher bid price if you are selling digital currency, or a lower ask price if you are buying digital currency. Orders are matched against the existing order book at the price of the order on the book, not at the price of the taker order.

Example 1:

'JOHN' places a Buy order for 1 BTC at 1000 RM. 'BRAD' then wishes to sell 1 BTC at 800 RM. Because John's order was first to the trading engine, they will have price priority and the trade will occur at 1000 RM.

Example 2:

'JOHN' places a Sell order for 1 BTC at 1000 RM. 'BRAD' then places a Buy order for 1 BTC at 1100 RM. The trading engine will execute this trade at 1000 RM.