On the order platform, you can choose to place a instant, limit, or stop order. An instant order will execute immediately at the current market price. A limit order lets you set your own price, as well as set some advanced time order execution options. A stop order lets you specify the price at which the order should be executed and is useful for stop loss and similar strategies.
Instant Orders
Select 'instant'. Choose "Buy" or "Sell" and enter the size of your order. You can set the size in any supported currency. Selecting "Buy" for example, and entering 1000RM as the amount, will buy one thousand ringgit worth of the digital currency you have selected at the market price.
- Market orders cannot be cancelled because they are filled immediately.
- Market orders may be partially filled at several prices. Each part of your order will be shown in the fills panel.
Limit Orders
Select 'Limit' above the buy/sell buttons to place a limit order. Enter the order size, and your price, and click 'Place [Buy / Sell] Order' to submit your order.
When selecting a limit order, expand the "advanced section" to reveal the following Time in Force policies:
- Good 'Til Time (GTT) - This order will be placed on the order book and remain valid under specified time that you have created. Eg : when you set 1 hour GTT , when your order is partially fulfilled / unfulfilled it will be cancelled exactly after 1 hour regardless of the condition.
- Good 'Til Canceled (GTC) - This order will be placed on the order book and remain valid until you cancel it.
- Immediate or Cancel (IOC) - This order will be placed and if it is not immediately filled, it will automatically be cancelled and removed from the order book.
- Fill or Kill (FOC) - This order will only complete if the entire amount can be matched. Partial matches are not filled with this order type and will not execute.
Time in force policies provide guarantees about the lifetime of an order. These types of orders provide advanced options you may be familiar with when trading traditional assets.
Stop Orders
Select 'Stop' above the buy/sell buttons to place a stop order.
To place a Stop Limit order, specify the amount and price at which the order should be triggered and also click "Advanced" to specify the Limit Price. A Stop Limit order will automatically post a Limit Order at the Limit Price when the Stop Price is triggered
Eg : John wants to buy bitcoin at 35000 RM / btc price when last market price trade at 33000 RM or John wants to sell bitcoin at 32000 RM / btc price when last market price trade at 32500 RM